Friday, September 15, 2006

Have you been peed on today?

I was changing my 20 month-old's diaper, and once I got through all of the dirty work he stood up and was grabbing toys off the top shelf of the changing table, so I'm holding him against my chest putting things back where they belong, trying to get a diaper on him, all the while my mind is wandering to comments I heard on sports radio the other day by a host that I don't always listen too, his show "the herd" (how appropriate) comes on in the morning between two shows I do listen to, the morning show on Newark's Jazz station WBGO and Steven A. Smith on ESPN radio, anyway this guy is dissing people who have a counter culture view of the world, people in grad school / east coast university grads / intellectuals, and stay at home dad's, (so basically he's hitting me where I live) why I don't really know, I didn't catch why he was on this diatribe, but stupidly it really pissed me off, partially because judging by other times I've heard this guy, he seemed intelligent enough to know better. So basically the past few days I've been going over this my mind, hoping to run into him some where so I could bash his fucking head open, or some other aggro fantasy, I guess it's because I hate how it's easy for these radio personalities to diss people who aren't in front of them, and how they appeal to the tyranny of the majority, "there aren't many stay at home dads, or many counter culture people listening to sports radio so I can diss them and it won't effect my ratings, or get me in trouble with my superiors."
So as I'm playing this over in my head for about the third time my son starts to urinate on me. And you know what, it just pointed out to me to focus on my own life, don't worry about the haters, closed minded people and other ignorant assholes, and lastly don't pollute my time listening or watching crap on the radio or tv. Still sucks getting peed on though.


Books, J. Books. said...

This is my favorite Stay-at-Home-Dad posting ever - not 'cause you got peed on though.

Anyanka said...

Mine too (favorite SaHD posting), but I think it may be because you got peed on. Letter soon, but I thought you said e-mail was easier! Been kind of aggro myself lately. Must chill.

manwithspear said...

The aforementioned radio dj's show was taken off the air in the NYC area a few weeks after he pissed me off and he was replaced by a young, pro-weed, Ivy League educated NY Jewish intellectual sports host, so who got the last laugh, East Coast, highly educated sports fans, that's who, lucky for his ass now I don't have to put a cap in it!