Monday, November 24, 2008

Gender Bendin' hits from the Palm

This is an old anecdote from the spring:

When my three year-old and I went to pick up my 6 year-old we ran into my six year-old's best friend's mother and a friend of hers who was visiting from out of town. Nothing that notable right, well my little guy asked who was that women with "Jack's" mommy,
Me: "Oh that's her friend from out of town"
Him: "Does Jack have two mommy's"
Me: "No, he has a daddy and a mommy, that's just her friend"
Him: "Jack has two mommies, Jack has two mommies!"

And for a couple of weeks, in and out of the house, "Jack's got two mommy's!"

Another similar public comment from last spring made by my three year-old as we were strolling along in the supermarket:
"Daddy, mommy's got a penis!"
Me: "No she doesn't honey, please keep it down"
"Daddy ... mommy's got a penis!"
Oh great ... now cereal aisle at A&P Fresh thinks I'm married to a tranny or a hermaphrodite.

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