Thursday, May 28, 2009


Drug-laced brownies send prom-goers to hospital

Five students who attended the ... High School Junior Prom last week became ill after consuming marijuana-laced brownies on the way to the dance, and four of them needed to be hospitalized, police said.
The students ate the tainted brownies in their rented limousine en route to the dance, held last Wednesday, May 20, according to a letter Assistant Principal ... sent home to the students’ parents on the day after the incident.
Two of the students, who were 16-year-old females, showed "obvious signs of distress," said Montclair Police Lt. James. Both of them vomited and "one girl was completely incoherent and unable to communicate," while the other teen complained of a headache and stomachache, ... said.
Three other students, two boys and a girl who were around the same age, also were sickened by the brownies. The latter female called someone for a ride, while the other four students were all taken to the ... Hospital Emergency Room.

1 comment:

Books, J. Books. said...

I pretty much figured out that doing drugs while you're still growing is a pretty bad idea so I didn't and I would probably make that part of my fictional child's drug awareness and education. Also, if you get the munchies after you eat a special brownie DO NOT, under any circumstances, forget that they are special and consume the leftovers because you're hungry.